December 16


This week we did the test, started watching October Sky, and did some more coding.  SNOW SNOW SNOW!!!!!!  I LOVE SNOW DAYS!  It is so much fun to play in the snow!  Okay, back to science, when we “started” watching the movie October Sky, we actually started at the end credits instead of the beginning. HA Ha ha.  I still am not that good at coding, so I am going to do it some more!  Try try again, and if you don’t succeed try try again, or fry fry a hen, and if you don’t fricassee fry fry a hen.  Anyone get it?  Okay, now I have run out of ideas of what to say, so good bye!!!!!

hopefully, that will be me soon!

December 10


This week we did some coding, with the website, the hour of code.  I had never coded before then and I

thought it was really fun and interesting.  I did (probably) one of the most basic ones but I learned a lot.

Another thing we did this week was review for the test next week. One of the things Shane did was draw

her “famous cow”!  And we also did some really fun kahoots about the things that would be on the test.

Overall it was a really fun week!

I can’t wait t’ill Winter Break!!!!!!!!!

December 1


Yesterday we made yogurt to see if our variable that we used instead of milk would connect with

the yogurt.  The yogurt has acid in it and Malia and I had to try to make whipped cream work

with the yogurt acid.  First we put 1 1/2 cups of  whipped cream in a pot and then heated it over the

stove to 112 Fahrenheit. Then we took it off and spooned two tablespoons of yogurt in in the pot

and stirred it up.  We made about 1/2 a cup of yogurt.    Overall it was very fun and interesting!This isn’t the yogurt we made.